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[Author Spotlight Series] - How Women Can Rise in Any Industry With Leslie Vickrey
Leslie Vickrey is the Founder and CEO of ClearEdge Marketing, a fully integrated agency trusted by growth-obsessed talent and HR tech companies to light the way to success. She is a marketing expert, business advisor, and investor who began her career with McDonald's Corporation and found a niche in technology and talent as the head of marketing for Spherion's technology division. Leslie is a frequent speaker passionate about the importance of diversity and the co-founder of ARA, an organization that seeks to attract, retain, and advance women in technology. She published a book called Together We Rise with 14 other female executives. Leslie contributes to industry publications, such as Recruiting Daily and Entrepreneur, and hosts a podcast highlighting the accomplishments of the brightest minds in the talent and tech industries, TheEdge.In this episode…There's a lot of discrimination against women who want to thrive in the business world. So where can you get the support to rise to the occasion?Many women are always in protective mode, especially those in the corporate world because society diminishes women leaders in business. It had been the same case for marketing guru Leslie Vickrey until she decided it was enough and overcame all odds. She shares how they've come together as women to exemplify the power of women empowering each other and are passionate about attracting, retaining, and advancing women in technology and business.In this inspiring episode of The Power of Authority Spotlight, Michelle Prince welcomes Leslie Vickrey, Founder and CEO of ClearEdge Marketing. Together, they delve into valuable tips for women to thrive in any industry. Leslie shares her background in marketing, her involvement in diversity, equity, inclusion, and building women, the Lady Leaders Book Club and the idea of Together We Rise, and how ClearEdge Marketing is helping women to rise.