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Badgers go from #6 to #11, Bucks out West with Doc
The Wisconsin Badgers lost back to back games to Nebraska and Purdue, in different ways. We'll break down aspects of the games that stood out and give goals for the next week of games. #OnWisconsin As for the Milwaukee Bucks, their West coast road trip was a little rough and injuries and absences were not kind (congratulations Brook and Mrs. Lopez). However, there are a lot of misconceptions swirling among Bucks fans and we're going to address them. We're going to abbreviate our recaps a bit to address 5 of these misconceptions and why Bucks fans collectively need to chill out on the amount of complaining going around. #FearTheDeer<br/><br/>Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands<br/><br/>Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy