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Bar Snack Utensils
Eons of evolution have culminated in creating the perfect form of life: Humankind. Unfortunately, it didn’t bother cleaning up after itself. All the failed first-steps are still lingering around, still pestering us, like bacteria… and germs. Long ago we won the battles of Black Plague and Dysentery, but the war wages on. We’ve taken on drastic measures, like quarantine, and not pooping in our drinking water; but it’s also led to strange rituals, like pump bottles of isopropyl at every entrance, and little tongs in our bar snacks. Yet now that society is sanitized, it begins to lose its sanity. Masks are scoffed and vaccines are spurned. Are tiny spoons still precautions? Or are they preposterous? Sidle up with Mat and Veronique as we portion out the salty truth of Bar Snack Utensils! *Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble. ____________________ Support the show and become a Grumble Kid! Patreon.com/GrumbleGoat Join the adventure in Mat’s novel!!! Amazon | Audible ____________________ For more information or to share: GrumbleGoatPodcast.com Grumble Goat on Instagram | Facebook | TikTok Follow your hosts: Mat | Veronique The post Bar Snack Utensils appeared first on Mat Labotka.