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Bartender Triceps with Peder Schweigert
When Peder Schweigert recently judged Iron Bartender alongside Charles, he remarked "it can't be Libations for Everyone until you have a guest that doesn't drink alcohol". Truer words. The winding road of this wonderful conversation bears that out, and proves that the type of bread broken on LFE is inconsequential to the experience that transpires behind it. Peder tells Ben & Charles about his days working on Top Chef in NYC, cooking at Alinea in Chicago, the halcyon days of Marvel Bar in Minneapolis, and his delightful, new, non-alcoholic wine brand, Dry Wit, which he shared as the beverage for the episode. Here's some of what's discussed: 🌳 Off the beaten path: where's somewhere you adore dining or drinking that isn't well publicized or easy to find? 💎 Name someone you truly admire that doesn't know it. ☀️ Should I stay or should I go: do you still travel in the nice weather months of the area where you reside? 😴 Are you a napper? If so, what brings you the comfort to truly and fully zonk out? 📲 How many tabs are open on your phone, and what makes up a lot of them? 🍵 Where do you find inspiration when you start building flavors for a meal or beverage? This conversation is worth the duration. Join us! This ep of LFE is proudly presented by Plift. High on taste. Low on calories. Plift is a delicious hemp-infused beverage for any occasion — social, solo, and anywhere in between.Beverages of ChoiceThe hosts and their guest drank:Dry Wit PippiDry Wit SalengerDry Wit BruceFIND USFacebook | Instagram