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Beginning Of A New Bull Market
In this weeks market update, Mike and Rory discuss the quiet events of last weekand the low number of economic data releases. The blokes then talk about themain focus of this week, the US CPI which came out at 4% Vs 4.1% expected.Mike discusses what this means given the lower than expected unemployment data thatwas also released by the UK on Tuesday morning and why he thinks this allowsfor great longs on GBP/USD.
Rory shares his thoughts on what this could mean for FOMC meeting on June 14th wherethe fed are predicted to not increase interest rates given the favourable datain the United States. Rory shares his thoughts of why oil prices moved higheron Tuesday given the positive news from China regarding economic stimulus andthe affect this also has on metals such as copper.
Mike and Rory also discuss what the energy market is doing and the warnings that arein place from OPEC regarding short selling speculation and how an increase inenergy prices, in particular oil could have a major effect on CPI data aroundthe world.
On Thursday, 15th June, Mike and Rory are also hosting a few drinks at a centralLondon location so be sure to join the app to find out more details of the freeevent.