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Bills' Defensive Makeover: Unveiling Critical Traits | Film Room
Join us as we delve into the intricacies of the Bills defensive overhaul and analyze the key traits that will shape their defensive prowess.<br /><br />0:00 | Opening Thoughts<br />3:01 | New Bills QB Coach Ronald Curry<br />9:03 | Changes to the Buffalo Bills Defense Coaching Staff<br />10:41 | What Jahmile Addae Brings Schematically to the Bills Defense<br />28:39 | Major Changes Coming to the Bills Defensive Line<br />32:59 | Traits the Bills Will be Looking for at Defensive Tackle<br />35:10 | Film - Bills Defensive Tackle Traits<br />54:14 | Film - Bills Edge Traits<br />1:09:50 | One Pass Read<br />1:11:27 | End of an Era at Safety for the Bills<br />1:16:42 | Film - Bills Safety Traits<br />1:30:56 | Closing Thoughts<br /><br />Become an 1nsider today<br />-Access to detailed Premium Content.<br />-Access to our Glossary and Salary Cap series<br />-Access to our private Slack channel.<br />-Sneak peek at upcoming content.<br />-Exclusive group film room sessions. & much more. __<br /><br />DOWNLOAD THE COVER 1 MOBILE APP!<br />► Android<br />►iOS —<br /><br />Cover 1 provides multi-faceted analysis of the NFL and NFL Draft including: Podcasts, Video blogs, Commentary, Scouting Reports, Highlights and Video Breakdowns. NFL footage displayed is not owned by Cover 1 —<br /><br />Follow Us Here<br />Twitter<br />Instagram<br />Facebook<br />Official Merchandise<br /><br />The Cover1.net web site and associated Social Media platforms are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by the NFL or any of its clubs, specifically the Buffalo Bills. All products, marks and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.