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Bob and The Beast - A Story of Introspection & Empathy
We have talked about Identity, self-awareness, true introspection in season one and in season two we want take a step further and learn about people around us. On a side note, we have to put our hands up. We can also do better! Unfortunately we have been demonstrating as a team behind closed doors. So I thought I’m going to read you all a story to remind us all the important of being kind to each other.This is the story of Bob and the Beast that teaches us something very important about introspection and empathy. This story is based on the tradition folktale known as Androcles and the Lion. If you enjoyed this episode and want to show some love and support, then buy us a coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sumanhanif - Your support would help us do more! And don't forget to like our IG page IdentityTalkz and subscribe to our YouTube Channel Cast Suman Hanif as Host / Adam Mercury-Brown as Dave the Devil / Producer Pageful Productions Limited Music by Madirfan from Pixabay.mp3 - Track: Both-of-us-14037 Disclaimer: Strong language used. Some characters and incidents portrayed in this production work are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. The stories and references discussed are based on a real life observations and experiences.