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Bombay Street Kitchen Review
This week we're toasting some spices and pulling apart some naan as Talk With Your Mouthful brings you our review of Bombay Street Kitchen, an award winning Indian restaurant with both style and substance. So tune in as this week as Carlos talks reminisces about a pet goat that wasn't his, Joy eats some onion and, by some miracle, doesn't die, Sophie is a lassi lass, and John's tongue is scorched earth. There's all this and more because this is Talk With Your Mouthful - Bombay Street Kitchen!Please vote for Talk With Your Mouthful for Orlando Weekly's Best Local Podcast for 2023! Go to https://vote.orlandoweekly.com/ and find us under Local Notables! Help your foodie friends take home the gold! Voting is open until July 17th so don't wait! <br/><br/>Support the show on Patreon for access to unedited episodes, exclusive shows, and more! Find us at patreon.com/mouthfulpod<br/><br/>Want more TWYMF content? You can check us out on our social media accounts for behind-the-scenes videos, pictures from the episodes, cocktail recipes, listener polls, and much more!<br/><br/>Twitter: @Mouthfulpod<br/>TikTok: TalkWithYourMouthful<br/>Instagram: mouthful_pod