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Bonus #6 An Orgasmic Experience
Recently, Mayko and Scarlett experienced a three-hour-long breathing exercise event. Today, they are unpacking the experience. Scarlett originally heard about this event through Instagram and remembers seeing posts from recent workshops featuring people experiencing intense emotional release during the exercises. Scarlet was intrigued by the event’s claim of providing “hours of therapy in one night” and decided to enlist Mayko into checking it out with her. Be forewarned–this episode deals with some spiritually heavy stuff! Scarlett and Mayko both had different experiences of the event. Scarlett describes it as orgasmic and euphoric while Mayko felt it was less transcendental, but still enlightening. She describes it as less of a physical experience and more of an emotional one, as she re-discovered herself and unleashed repressed emotions during the exercises. The girls begin by recounting the stormy night that brought the 250 participants to a hotel meeting room, yoga mats and water bottles in tow. Scarlett recalls the host’s explanation that what they were about to experience would be much more akin to an exorcism than a yoga class. The girls initially felt like these warnings were a way of prepping the room for a worst-case scenario, but it became clear they were more foretelling than the girls initially thought. Scarlett and Mayko also discuss in depth the physiological responses their bodies had to the exercises, namely the lobster-claw sensation in their hands and the internal vibrations. Mayko explains how the process activates both the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous systems, resulting in sensations similar to a panic attack without the feeling of panic. She dives into how these sensations helped her to tap into and unleash unresolved feelings of anger she didn’t even know were there. Scarlett also takes the time to recount the paranormal and spiritual experiences she had shortly after her first husband’s death and her experience during her spiritual baptism. This provides some context for the euphoric realizations that she goes on to describe during the breathing exercises. This propels the conversation into a deeper realm where Scarlet ponders the connection between shifting frequencies and the communal love and relief the participants experienced. Scarlett shares her speculative feelings toward her spirituality and how she has come to believe that a higher power can take on many forms to find its way to those who believe. Have you ever experienced the cathartic relief of similar breathing exercises? Was your experience like Scarlett’s, Mayko’s, or something else entirely? Sound off in Discord! We are on Discord! If you ever wanted to know what it felt like to be in a GBW group chat, this is the place to find out! The GBW regulars (and some of the guests) are on the server daily interacting with listeners. Download the Discord Android or Apple app or join us from a computer: https://discord.gg/avf8jXn8e9Website: http://GBWPod.comEmail: Scarlett@GBWPod.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegbwpodcastTwitter: https://twitter.com/BadWhoreableInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegbwpodcast/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC2DsntTgH_r9yU6Te and Rev