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BONUS - LFI Spotlight - Avoiding Rookie Errors as a Left Field Investor: 20 Lessons Learned From 14 Years of Passive Investing In Private Syndications with Steve Suh
When it comes to passive real estate investing, learning from the mistakes of others can save you time, money, and frustration. By avoiding common rookie errors, you can increase your chances of success in passive investing and syndication.In this episode, Steve Suh shares valuable lessons he has learned from over 14 years of passive real estate syndication investing. In this podcast, he discusses some of the mistakes he made early on and key things all passive investors should focus on, such as networking, vetting sponsors and operators, and paying attention to capital stacks and debt structures. Steve also introduces his upcoming ebook, which goes into further detail on each lesson. This is a must-listen for both new and experienced passive real estate investors!About Steve Suh
Steve Suh is a founding member of Left Field Investors and has been passively investing in real estate syndications for over 14 years. He is a practicing ophthalmologist and eye surgeon in Southern California. In his spare time, he enjoys writing educational blogs for leftfieldinvestors.com and creating content to help other passive investors learn from his extensive experience. His upcoming ebook, 20 Valuable Lessons Learned from 14 Years of Passive Syndication Investing, aims to share the lessons he has learned over the years to help passive investors avoid common mistakes.Link to Steve's Book: Avoiding Rookie Errors as a Left Field Investor: 20 Lessons Learned From 14 Years of Passive Investing in Private Syndications
Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:
[03:23] Learning from people’s mistakes[06:53] The importance of networking[12:16] The operator as a keystone of every operation
Episode Highlights:
[06:53] Network, Network, Network
Steve's insights emphasize the importance of networking in money management and investing. Through virtual networking sessions and forums, he has gained valuable knowledge from others, allowing him to connect with like-minded individuals and explore diverse investment opportunities. Steve highlights the value of private forums, where he can interact with fellow investors and access a wealth of information, enabling informed decision-making and reducing the need for trial and error. Networking is especially crucial in passive investing, helping investors distinguish between good and bad syndicators. Steve's positive experience at the 2022 Meetup in the Left Field further highlights the energy and collaborative environment that networking creates. In summary, Steve's insights underscore how networking empowers individuals to learn, access valuable information, and connect with professionals in the field, ultimately enhancing their chances of success in passive investing.[12:16] The Operator is a Keystone of Every Syndication
Steve compares the operator to a central principle or part on which all else depends, similar to a keystone in an archway. The operator is the one who runs the show in terms of the asset, such as the placement and management of ATMs. While there may be capital raisers and syndicators involved, it is the operator who handles the day-to-day operations. Steve emphasizes the importance of thoroughly vetting not only the sponsor but also the property management team. Understanding who is actually running the show and speaking directly with the operator or property manager ensures that investors are not deceived by just the sponsor or syndicator's claims. By delving into the granular details and gathering feedback from other