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Borax - The Hidden Benefits of Boron
· 1.26 What is Borax?· 4:30 Safety of borax · 5:25 The great benefits of boron· 7:20 Using boron for osteo (bone) conditions· 8:00 Borax’s ability to protect your body from fluorides· 8:30 Borax as an anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial and pest deterrent· 10:00 Borax versus boron· 10:48 Borax for candida· 11:12 Borax for hormone regulation· 13:21 Boron is hard to get from food· 14:42 Borax for pain· 17:15 David shares his experience of taking Borax for 20 years · 19:39 Getting over the reluctance to take Borax· 22:41 Recommended dosages and methods to take borax· 26:04 Borax as blood thinner, anti-inflammatory and detoxifier· 27:15 Borax for osteoporosis· 28:09 Borax for rheumatoid arthritis· 28:47 Borax baths· 30:34 Contraindications and safety issues· 33:24 Signs of having too much borax