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Bucks officially hire new head coach Adrian Griffin (06.07.2023)
The Milwaukee Bucks officially have a new head coach with the announcement of Adrian Griffin as the lead man. Reporters Jim Owczarski and Lori Nickel were there, and they discuss with podcast host JR Radcliffe their takeaways from the press conference. How will he fit with the current roster (including the players who are free agents)? Will he fortify a strong relationship with Giannis? What about the domestic abuse allegations levied by his ex-wife in 2020 (leading to Griffin filing a defamation lawsuit)? Are there any other story lines to care about beyond Khris Middleton and Brook Lopez in the upcoming free-agency scramble? What about the draft?
Music intro produced by Olivia Reiner and voiced by Michelle Rutkowski. Music during segments from SoundCloud, "Pursuit Music Logo."