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Bucks stay perfect, but the true tests remain. Also, Giannis is MVP, right? (11.08.2022)
Milwaukee Bucks reporter Jim Owczarski and columnist Lori Nickel join host JR Radcliffe to look at the still-perfect Milwaukee Bucks and just how excited fans should be about the historic start given the kind schedule. MarJon Beauchamp gets some run, Jevon Carter has been a rock-solid addition and Giannis ... well, he's definitely the MVP so far, right? Sure, it's too early to tell, but so what? What are the takeaways from a win without Giannis on the floor? What's the latest on the Khris Middleton and Pat Connaughton injuries?
Music intro produced by Olivia Reiner and voiced by Michelle Rutkowski. Music during segments from SoundCloud, "Pursuit Music Logo."
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