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Buying Beverly Hills with Farrah Brittany!
Adam and Jason welcome Buying Beverly Hills star, Farrah Brittany. Farrah discusses being on the new hit Netflix show and why she might not want to be the next CEO of The Agency. Farrah shares her passion for real estate and what drives her in a competitive industry. Jason asks Farrah about dodging questions from the press about her infamous family and why her Mom’s advice for doing a reality tv show was so important.Follow Farrah on Instagram!<br/>https://www.instagram.com/farrahbritt/<br/>Learn more about Farrah - https://www.theagencyre.com/agent/farrah-brittany<br/><br/>Learn more about The Agency - https://www.theagencyre.com<br/><br/>Subscribe to the Hot Messy Podcast YouTube - https://YouTube.com/hotmessypodcast<br/><br/>Subscribe to Up And Adam! On YouTube - https://YouTube.com/upandadamlive<br/><br/>Follow us on Instagram - https://instagram.com/hotmessypodcast<br/> <br/> Join our conversation by sending your questions, comments or topics to info@hotmessypodcast.com<br/>