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Buying Clearwater: How $cientology Took Over a Florida Town
Since 1975, the Church of Scientology has been purchasing land and property in the South Florida town of Clearwater with intentions of taking over the entire municipality and establishing a theocratic community. As of 2022 the sinister religious organization owns 185 properties and shows no signs of slowing down. In this episode we discuss how they took over, their shady aims, what they actually do all day, and why it's so disturbing that they've been able to get away with it for this long. They have slaves that are serving out a billion-year contract, we'll talk about that, and oh, they also claim to have an INFINITE PIT in their converted Clearwater hotel. Yes, an infinite pit. And that's not all. Listen on, friends, enjoy the madness. We’ve all heard about Florida Man, but what about Florida Woman? Join us weekly as we explore the humid landscape, absurd crimes, bizarre history, and beautiful fucking maniacs that make up our country’s weirdest state.You can follow us on Instagram at:@FloridaWoman.PodEmail us at FloridaWoman.Pod@Gmail.comHelp the show by becoming a patron today! patreon.com/floridawomanpodFlorida Woman theme song is My Heart Is Open by So Sensitive Band from their debut album Bedroom Drama. You can find them on Spotify, BandCamp, Apple Music, or wherever you listen! Follow them on Instagram at @sosensitivebandSOURCES:youtube.com/watch?v=8P21t1vJIB8https://radaronline.com/photos..../scientology-residen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/....Dianeticshttps://www