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Caring For The Caregiver
It's so important that as a caregiver we take care of ourselves. It's not a selfish act, it's a selfless act and one that needs to be done. You can't pour from an empty cup.<br/>For those of you caring for someone with Dementia or Alzheimer's, below are links to three different books, that for me were major gamechangers in helping caring for my loved one.<br/><br/>The 36 Hour Day https://a.co/d/aDDyu7g<br/>Untangling Dementia https://a.co/d/3R9ph88<br/>Learning to Speak Alzheimer's https://a.co/d/ekyM2zj You can follow me on Instagram at: betermindsetcoach<br/>Email me at: bettermindsetcoach@gmail.com<br/>Website: bettermindsetbetterlife.net<br/>Thank you!
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