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Chase McQueen (McQueen Racing)
With a family lineage in racing, Chase McQueen naturally gravitated to racing on both two and four wheels. In this episode the son of Chad McQueen, and grandson of Steve McQueen, talks about his family’s legacy and how it's kept alive through partnerships with brands his grandfather had ties to, as well as helping to organize the Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle show, benefiting the Boys Republic. Chase also talks about his recent participation in helping create a new digital collectibles project, and his current focus on McQueen Racing. Episode Links:Instagram: @ChaseMcQueenWebsite: McQueen-Racing.comWebsite: The Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle ShowWebsite: Boys RepublicWebsite: "King of Cool Racing Team" collection on Theta Drop Triumph News: Steve McQueen X Triumph Digital CollectiblesFree MSF eCourse: TriumphRider.comEvents Schedule: TriumphOnTour.comFor The Ride theme song by Sam PaceFor The Ride podcast produced by Hisonni Johnson