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China Should Liberate Us
Dave Smith and Robbie The Fire Bernstein bring you the latest in politics! On this episode of Part Of The Problem Dave and Robbie take a look at the meeting between Trump, Kanye, and Fuentes, Elon Musk handing out blanket Twitter amnesty, and how US foreign policy has ruined our reputation as a shining example of freedom in the worldThis Episode Was Recorded On 11.28.22
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Follow the show on social media:Twitter: https://twitter.com/ComicDaveSmithhttps://twitter.com/RobbieTheFirehttps://www.instagram.com/bmackayisright
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Buy Daves Album : Dave Smith Libertas - https://bit.ly/2Nq5seM
Dave Smith and Robbie The Fire Bernstein bring you the latest in Politics three times a week, with the promise of bonus episodes! Libertarian Philosophy mixed with a sense of humor, POTP is one of the leading voices in libertarianism.
Dave Smith is a New York based stand-up comedian, radio personality, and political commentator. Dave can be seen regularly on “The Greg Gutfeld Show” and “Red Eye” on Fox News, as well as “Kennedy” on Fox Business Network. In 2013 Dave was featured as one of the New