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Choosing To Be The Victor Instead Of The Victim W/ Brandon Rooks
Host Chaz Wolfe brings on Brandon Rooks, a 7+ figure king in the real estate industry. Brandon is an owner or partner in 8 companies and has worked for himself since 2000. Brandon has $40 million in assets and returned 16.5% to his investors and fund last year. In this episode, Chaz and Brandon discuss diversification, the importance of developing yourself, maintaining integrity and core values, and even Brandon’s own special “rockstar process”. Tune in today to learn from and be inspired by Brandon’s rags-to-riches story so you can grow your business! During this episode, you will learn about;
[01:23] Brandon’s business[01:53] Why Brandon continues to push[02:21] How Brandon’s perspective has changed[04:44] Brandon’s transition into an entrepreneur[09:23] A bad decision Brandon made[13:00] Brandon’s advice on taking your business to the next level[24:24] How Brandon approaches priorities[37:42] Brandon’s resource recommendations[39:20] If Brandon lost it all, what would he do?[42:58] How to connect with Brandon[45:30] How to connect with Chaz and info on the GTK 30 day intensive
Notable Quotes
“Working for myself really wasn't that hard of a transition because as a commission-only salesman, you really are always just working for yourself.” - Brandon Rooks
“Don't go all in on one specific thing.” - Brandon Rooks
“Answer every damn call, email or a text that comes in the same day.” - Brandon Rooks
“There's so many people out there that you can get around, believe it or not, that wanna see you have success.” - Brandon Rooks
“Spend a little money on yourself, do a little investing in yourself and your professional development, and you'll find these nuggets of how you can explode your business.” - Brandon Rooks
“Get your core business down. And then when the time is right, start bringing the right people in that have the right core values, to duplicate and scale and grow your machine.” - Brandon Rooks
“It's moving the ball forward. Every single day. It's discipline.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“You gotta invest in your employees and your staff as well. Don't just consider a cog in the wheel. Make sure you're taking time to make them feel important. Make sure you're taking time to give them the tools they need to be successful with you.“ - Brandon Rooks
“My relationship capital is worth more than any bank account.” - Brandon Rooks
“You can either give up, you can either be the victim or the victor, and just choose to be the victor.” - Brandon Rooks
Books and Resources Recommended:
Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hillhttps://www.amazon.com/Think-Grow-Rich-Landmark-Bestseller/dp/1585424331
Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbinshttps://www.amazon.com/Awaken-Giant-Within-Immediate-Emotional/dp/0671791540
Exit Lever: How Smart Business Owners & Buyers Avoid The 10 Mistakes That Ruin the Sales of Businessesby Jeff Dousharm & Jethro Hopkinshttps://www.amazon.com/Exit-Lever-Business-Mistakes-Businesses-ebook/dp/B07L7WNS3H
The Busy Professional's Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing: A physician's path to building wealth, creating financial freedom and leaving a legacy by Vanessa Peters