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Chris Jones - How his business survived losing 70% of its revenue in one meeting
Like many entrepreneurs, Chris Jones built his business off the back of a product that he developed to solve a problem that he had. As an American Football player, Chris noticed a gap in the market for durable catcher's gloves with extreme grip. He developed a glove, started to produce and sell it and eventually rolled that product into a distribution business with a partner who would ultimately put his business in a very precarious position. In a single meeting, his partner ended their relationship and took with it 70% of his revenue. In this episode, Chris and I discuss creating a product from scratch, finding partners, losing income and succeeding in the face of certain death. ----Subscribe to It's Not Over: Apple: https://apple.co/37gY2I6Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3E4wUbmGoogle: https://bit.ly/3KBQgqGWebsite: https://nicharalambous.com/its-not-over----Find Chris online, buy his book and follow his social accounts:Social media links: Instagram: @relentlesschrisjonesFacebook: @relentlesschrisjonesLinkedIn: @chrisjonesyycWebsites:https://www.relentlesschrisjon....es.com/https://www.e to Relentless AF on Amazon - Buy Relentless AF here