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Cinnamon Kernes (Motorcycle Industry Council)
Cinnamon Kernes is the Vice-President and General Manager with the Motorcycle Industry Council, where she's leading the "Ride With Us" Campaign to help grow motorcycle ridership in the United States. Cinnamon also runs the AIMExpo, which is the motorcycle industry's trade show in the US, where she draws from her many years of experience managing the International Motorcycle Shows (IMS). Episode Links:Instagram: @RideWithUsMotoMIC Website: MIC.orgRide With Us Website: RideWithUs.comMotorcycle Jobs Website: MotorcycleIndustryJobs.com Triumph News: Isle of Triumph to Take Over Barber Vintage Festival InfieldFree MSF eCourse: TriumphRider.comEvents Schedule: TriumphOnTour.comFor The Ride theme song by Sam PaceFor The Ride podcast produced by Hisonni Johnson