Community Colleges Making an Impact with Becky Klein-Collins
Becky Klein-Collins, VP of Research and Impact at CAEL, joins FYI host Gil Rogers for a conversation about the options there are for intermediary credentials before reaching a bachelor's degree, and what options there could be with implementation through community colleges. They discuss why the market is demanding these solutions and what they could look like.For Your Institution Podcast is a production of Mongoose Research. Intro | 0:00Becky’s Background and History | 0:57Economic Mobility Report Background | 2:46Making Stackable Programs | 8:07Common Themes of the Report | 10:08Equity Design Practices | 11:04Introducing New Occupations | 15:26Summary & Closing | 18:34 RELEVANT LINKS:CAEL.orgMaking A Difference For Adult Learners ReportCAEL Conference RegistrationCAEL Newsletter Subscription