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CPS #35 Covid Pie Sundae
Everyone's sick of Covid, but JOSH is sick WITH Covid. Listen to Josh struggle to breathe and focus for almost an hour straight in this mediocre at best episode. Just kidding though, he's not really that sick. Just sick like that annoying nerd used to be in school with the nasally voice that you stuffed into a locker and verbally abused for years who later excelled as an executive for a large corporation that may or may not have been responsible for funding certain dangerous research that inevitably led to Josh being sick in the first place. TOPICS:<br/><br/><br/>Josh has Covid, Sick at work, Comedy Show, Float tanks, sensory depravation, AI covers, Maui, hazard pay, Monday Morning QB Covid thoughts, stretchy jeans, Twisted Metal show, PS1, monster movies, sharks, trophy hunters, mental illness, AND MORE!<br/><br/>"I'm not a comedian. And I'm not sick. The world is sick, and I'm the doctor. I'm a surgeon with a scalpel for false values"<br/><br/>-Lenny Bruce