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Crafting a Strong Culture (w/ Kent Lammers)
Polo Custom Products CEO Kent Lammers joins the show. He shares with host Sean Frost how he views the building of culture and innovation at Polo and how critical those pieces are to success in manufacturing. On this episode we discuss:
Kent’s Polo journey
A balance of technology and finance
The keys to a successful acquisition or divesting
The secret sauce of product development
Serving the customer
Developing a strong culture
The impact that any employee can make
Implementing challenging new processes to make the business better
Continuous improvement
Pursuing sustainability
Following the roadmap
Always, always, always document
Resources:A Triple Play for Industrial OEMs - Polo Custom Products
Learn more about Polo Custom Products
Polo Custom Product designs, engineers, and manufactures custom products for OEMs in the medical, fire & safety, and defense industries. Polo Custom Products has experts on staff to globally source and procure your specialty formulation materials. Our experts in quality assurance test and ensure all custom products meet standards and your requirements. This show is part of the ICT Podcast Network. For more information visit ictpod.net