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CTM Universal Ep 50 - Jared's First Time at Halloween Horror Nights!
On the last episode about Halloween Horror Nights this year, Jared gives his account as a first timer at the event. He talks about what NOT to do, how he felt about how scary the houses were, and if he would go back next year.Join Club 32Help us to fund & grow the show by becoming part of Club 32! You'll get more additional content, CTM Apparel discounts, 1901 Candle Company discounts, private Facebook Group, private podcast & more! - head to ctmvip.com1901 Candle CompanyWe're excited to launch our brand new Disney Scented Candles & You Can Learn More at 1901candleco.com.CTM ApparelGet the best Disney, Universal and/or Pop Culture apparel that is hand made in our shop - shop at ctmshirts.comSubscribe To The Show & Leave Us A Review Apple Podcasts - Click Here Stitcher - Click Here Spotify - Click Here Follow Us on Social Media CTM Facebook Group: @capthemagic Twitter: @capthemagic Instagram: @capthemagic Visit Us Online Subscribe to our YouTube Channel! Capture the Magic Podcast – find the latest episodes! Capture The Magic Apparel – you can find a great Disney-inspired t-shirt collection! Join Club 32! Our private group with access to exclusive livestreams, podcasts, and MORE! Visit ctmvip.com Our Sponsors Zip Travel - visit travelwithzip.com to see how they can help you have the vacation of a lifetime! Kingdom Strollers - visit kingdomstrollers.com to save up to 50% off theme park stroller rental prices