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Days of Thunder: Bash at the Beach 1999
It's the Dumbest Party of the Summer! Days of Thunder returns, and the lads have much to talk about following a diabolical PPV:*Just how bad IS The Cat?*The art of making lengthy video packages that explain nothing*The Junkyard calls.*The return of a former WCW Tag Team Champion.We'll be back in two weeks, in the meantime follow us on Twitter ( http://twitter.com/wcwthunderpod ) to keep up to date with us, go to our linktree ( https://linktr.ee/WCWThunderPod ) to find all the ways you can listen to or follow us, and if you want a hell of a lot more Dave & Lee in your podcast diet, subscribe to our Patreon ( http://alargemanappears.com )<br/><br/>Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands<br/><br/>Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy