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Detailed Overview Of The U.S Coast Guard Direct Commission Officer Program
New Episode! Thank you all for your patience and reaching out for when season 2 would officially launch and it is now! In the long anticipated return of the Coast to Coasties Podcast, I talk about my experience of becoming a Direct Commission Officer from application process to reporting at my unit and attending the Direct Commission Officer school at the Coast Guard Academy and we get into deep detail on what exactly the DCO program is. As being a very unknown program to a lot of Coasties and civilians, it is a great topic to cover as it is an amazing opportunity to apply and become a direct hire officer at a time where the Coast Guard is in great need to hire a lot more officers in the next few years. Direct Commission is a direct hire program looking for niche specialists in their field where if you’re accepted, you put on bars and start working as an officer in your specialty field your skills got you hired for and start performing as an officer in the Coast Guard instantly before even attending DCO school! Check it out to see if you’d be interested and if DCO is the right path for your career progression!