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im McNally has been a member of the WGSO broadcast family since 2001 with a short pause in 2007-8. Tim is a frequent contributor to many regional publications and websites, and makes many guest appearances promoting New Orleans dining and drinking as well as relating tales of the history of our hometown. Tim is a noted author and his recent book, The Sazerac, has been published by LSU Press. Tim’s guest today is Eric Stuart, from the Crescent City Classic about the Corporate Classic this Saturday https://www.ccc10k.com/crescen....t-city-corporate-cla benefitting the YMCA adult literacy program Also, we have Richard Dubus, and Logan Gross from Happy Raptor distillery, introducing a sweet potato Daiquiri just in time for Thanksgiving. Made with Happy Raptor Bananas Foster Rum, Sweet Potato puree, lemon juice over ice. https://www.happyraptor.com/ The post DINE, WINE AND SPIRITS – NOVEMBER 9, 2022 appeared first on WGSO 990AM.