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Dish Where: Los Angeles, California
From levitating noodles and eating sushi for prizes to Machete approved matcha lattes, we're coming at you with the third and final installment of our California special! This week we're leaving the mouse behind and taking to the streets of L.A. for some delicious eats that had us hearing a chorus from on high in the City of Angels. So tune in as we argue over vocabulary words, talk star studded fried chicken, and drink boba in an old citrus packing plant because this is Dish Where: Los Angeles!Want more TWYMF content? You can check us out on our social media accounts for behind-the-scenes videos, pictures from the episodes, cocktail recipes, listener polls, and much more!<br/><br/>Twitter: @Mouthfulpod<br/>TikTok: TalkWithYourMouthful<br/>Instagram: Talk_With_Your_Mouthful