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Disney's California Adventures - TWYMF S2 Ep 30
To all who come to this foodie place...welcome! Here you leave today and enter the world of snacks, treats, and all things tasty! We're coming at you with week two of our Most Magical November as we share our thoughts on the food of Disney's California Adventures! From fun wheels of deadly deliciousness to the coziest of cones, we're talking a walk down Pixar Pier and partying with the Avengers. We've got censors galore, arguments about physics, and a churro round up that would make Sheriff Woody jealous - So pull down on that lapbar and hold on tight because this is our most chaotic Talk With Your Mouthful yet no alcohol required ! This is the DCA Special!Want more TWYMF content? You can check us out on our social media accounts for behind-the-scenes videos, pictures from the episodes, cocktail recipes, listener polls, and much more!<br/><br/>Twitter: @Mouthfulpod<br/>TikTok: TalkWithYourMouthful<br/>Instagram: Talk_With_Your_Mouthful