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Diversifying the Technical Landscape for Startups with Don Robinson II
For today's episode, our special guest is Don Robinson ll. Don is a Detroit-born and raised web developer/designer, audio and video producer, and content creator.Don works extensively to support startups, particularly tech companies, in building teams through vetting and headhunting. He is proud to be a part of the thriving Detroit tech ecosystem. His hope is that our children will get a foothold in access to becoming great technology creators and entrepreneurs so that they can gain valuable skills and opportunities in the tech sector, and establish great career paths to lead better lives.We spoke with Don about how he switched careers from finance to tech, his passion for working with start-ups, and more! Listen now on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon! <br /><br />Don's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/donald-t-robinson-ii-0b281112b/<br />Don's Website: https://github.com/drobinson0504