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Divine Empath Rising Discovering Our Sacrad Truth after Narcissistic Abuse
Did you catch my guest appearance in the Divine Rising Summit? In this thought-provoking and empowering episode of "Divine Empath Rising," I share the replay as we embark on a transformative journey to unveil the profound wisdom of the ancient Goddess Inanna's descent into the underworld. Drawing parallels with modern experiences of narcissistic abuse, our hosts delve into the depths of healing and self-discovery as they explore the timeless symbolism of this mythological tale.Throughout the episode, we engage in unraveling the layers of this sacred narrative, as it provides profound insights into how the archetypal story serves as a map for reclaiming our true selves and emerging stronger from the darkest trials.In addition the conversation then delves into the transformative power of Human Design, a system that facilitates healing for empaths and survivors of narcissistic abuse. Our experts shed light on how understanding one's unique Human Design can guide the recovery process, helping individuals recognize and transcend patterns of toxic relationships and energy draining encounters.
Join us on this gripping exploration of self-discovery, empowerment, and healing, LISTEN NOW!Here are some key moments:what is narcissism?Goddess Innana's descent How it parallels to empaths healing path How Human Design can help you heal from narcissistic abuse<br/>Join The Empath Healing Community for FREE & Receive Sparkle Reminder inspiration every Saturday & strategies to heal from Narc Abuse and get your FREE Human Design chart Summary Empath & Narcissist Healing Book &on Audible
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Music YouTube Library: Wondering by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com/ Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/li....censes/by-sa/3.0/Out Believe by NeffexMentioned in this episode:Empath & Narcissist Spiritual Healing BookEmpath & Narcissist Healing Book