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Do THIS To Create Transformational Experiences as a Fitness Teacher with Lexi Rodriguez Smith
Lexi Rodriguez Smith is our Master Coach inside of The Academy of Breath and in this conversation, we talk all about the difference between a teacher that has memorized information versus a teacher who has the embodied experience of the information they are teaching their students. This is a must-listen conversation for any fitness professionals, yoga teachers, meditation and breathwork instructors.The Academy of Breath is open now for enrollment! Join Lexi and I for 12 weeks where you will be taken on your own journey of personal embodiment so that your mastery as a teacher stands out in the industry.You'll learn the art of space holding, 12 different breath and meditation techniques, and get access into an entire business resource portal so you can learn how to take everything you learn within The Academy of Breath and package it into an impactful and profitable wellness business.To learn more, join here: www.academyofbreath.org/enrollIf you're not already on our VIP list, join the conversation live with us for bi-weekly shows hosted virtually every Friday:www.avajohanna.com/iconsWhen you join, you'll get an exclusive access link to attend conversations just like this, ask questions and co-create the episode.Connect with Lexi:INSTAGRAMConnect with Ava:WEBSITE: avajohanna.com and academyofbreath.org/INSTAGRAMPODCASTTHE ACADEMY OF BREATHIf you're not already on our VIP list, join the conversation live with us for bi-weekly shows hosted virtually every Friday:www.avajohanna.com/iconsWhen you join, you'll get an exclusive access link to attend conversations just like this, ask questions and co-create the episode.Connect with Ava:WEBSITE INSTAGRAMPODCAST THE ACADEMY OF BREATH