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DOGE Goes Nuts + Weekly Positive Moves
Crypto had a bounce last week with DOGE putting on a massive 90%+ with the handover of Twitter to Elon Musk. I want to see the buying carry through into this week so that the higher time frame trends stay in order for us cryptotraders. XRP and TRX both struggled last week but BTC, ETH, SOL, ADA, AVAX, DOT and BNB all closed strong.<br>📚 Learn How To Trade 📚FREE eBook: https://bit.ly/2VoIDzDFREE Online Course: https://bit.ly/2WVD77X<br>🔥 Discounts and Promotions 🔥10% OFF Trading Fees at FTX: https://bit.ly/tcftxten30% OFF Taker Fees at Bybit: https://bit.ly/tcbybitpromo10% Discount at Binance: http://bit.ly/2ta6OUu<br>👬 Join the Trader Cobb Community! 👬Discord: https://discord.gg/tradercobbYouTube: http://bit.ly/34M6GrdFacebook: http://bit.ly/2q1JBSCTwitter: http://bit.ly/33x7gsIInstagram: http://bit.ly/2K8vrWJLinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2PZTB9PTradingView: http://bit.ly/33FsXak