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Double Deuce Deuce with Kyle Hopkins
Kyle Hopkins endeared himself to a worldwide audience from his very first appearance on this season of Masterchef on FOX (Srsly, you should watch his audition, it is truly wonderful). His love of the Minnesota State Fair and having family that lives in the Twin Cities brought him to LFE's doorstep for Maker's Mark horsefeathers, Patisserie 46 pastries paired with lambic, and a tremendous conversation about his experiences on Masterchef, making Gordon Ramsay laugh so hard he chortled, his career as a Cicerone and beer professional for Surly Brewing, and all of these topics: 🍅 What's a food you can't stop eating at peak ripeness AND a food you hate eating when it's out of season? 🍗 What's your "last grill out" meal when the seasons are about to turn, and what's the soundtrack for it? 🥃 How are you taking your whiskey after a long day manning the grill for a gathering? 🎟️ What makes the Minnesota State Fair so special? 🥙 Name a regional food and a regional beverage that you would make a special trip just to try from the source, ...and then some. Order up! Beverages of ChoiceThe hosts and their guest drank:Maker's Mark Horsefeathers (and straight!) Liefmans Kriek BrutFIND USFacebook | Instagram