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dream chasing

0 Views· 07/12/23
wholehearted medicine
wholehearted medicine
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In Drama

in today’s ep we chat about:how special and unique YOUR dreams are to YOUdream chasing stories9 spicy hot tips to chase your dreams!!!!!one very long story about a ten dollar note<br/>thank you for joining usYOU DESERVE TO FEEL BETTERwith luvvvv from lith and clayshow times:00.00 intro01.39 liths dreams 05.09 clays dreams 10.06 hot tip 1 - believe in yourself 11.33 hot tip 2 - persistence and obstinance 13.00 hot tip 3 - failure is not the end of the road 14.01 hot tip 4 - surround yourself with positive influences 14.39 hot tip 5 - rest and self compassion (we know we know we never shut up about this stuff) 15.58 hot tip 6 - variety is the spice of life 17.10 hot tip 7 - the silver platter doesnt fucking exist 18.11 hot tip 8 - visualise your dream and get specific22.31 hot tip 9 - YOU DESERVE YOUR DREAMS, GO GET THEM 22.56 quote of the day 

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