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Drew and Mike – August 30, 2023
New podcast competition, Boltman breaks his silence with us, Mitch McConnell freezes up again, Paris Jackson on her dad’s birthday, new Boner Armies, and we check in on UofM students after a cyber-attack knocked out Michigan’s internet. Happy 65th birthday to Michael Jackson. Paris Jackson decided to make it all about her after getting ‘death threats’. TMZ loved her hairy armpits. Prince and Prince II (aka Blanket) met up in Las Vegas. Is Amy Sedaris funny? She received a bunch of crap for glorifying a pedophile and the World's Greatest Groomer. Drew teaches us of the abuses of Japanese boy band manager, Johnny Kitagawa. Now his niece is in trouble for his actions. There’s a new piece on Duran Duran’s Andy Taylor in Rolling Stone Magazine. The band’s cover album is pretty good. Motor City Rocks 2023 coming to your ears from WLLZ. We found an old school Kirk Gibson KFC commercial. The Dearborn Fire Chief had a bad night. University of Michigan students were without internet for 3 days and they were extremely snobby with us on the telephone. Two New Boner Army Generals: Brylie St. Clair. Victoria Graind. We check in with Boltman and he has some shocking information about the meme of him paying respects to Junior Seau’s NFL Hall of Fame bust. DTE has their own ‘Bermuda Triangle’ in Washtenaw County where they are gaslighting their customers. Antonio Brown’s CTE is acting up. Mitch McConnell froze again after being asked if he is going to run for