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Drew and Mike – September 14, 2023
WATP’s Karl Hamburger joins the show in-studio, Britney Spears nails her housekeeper, Stuttering John’s musical prowess, a brand-new Bonerline, Tom Mazawey defends Mel Tucker, Jim’s Picks, and Drew temporarily returns to public life. Karl Hamburger joins the show fresh off meeting Tom Mazawey at the Tigers game last night! Hunter Biden was indicted today on gun charges. The Telegraph wants Joe to step down. This town is going bonkers over the Lions and NFL ratings are up. Deion Sanders ranks his children. Britney Spears was banging her housekeeper until she found out he was a felon. Bill Maher crosses the picket line. Drew and Karl spar over cryptocurrency and it’s promoters. Karl brings us a musical package of Stuttering John Melendez. Karl vs Jimmy Page. Call or text 209-66-Boner to be on the next Bonerline. Tom Mazawey joins the show to avoid answering whether or not he listens to this show, discuss his volleyball duties, his love for 1970’s soccer, his hot takes on the Mel Tucker scandal, predict Bowling Green covering the spread, go over this weekend in the NFL and more. Jim’s Picks: The Isotopes Edition. We’ll see you at the live show! Visit Our Presenting Sponsor Hall Financial – Michigan’s highest rated mortgage company If you’d like to help support the show… please consider subscribing to our YouTube Page, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (Drew and Mike Show,