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Drew and Mike – September 18, 2023
Jann Wenner fallout, Mel Tucker notified he’s officially getting blown out, “Instagram Famous” idiot on a plane, Baker Mayfield BJs, Gen Z’s reasons for being labeled lazy, and Tom Mazawey’s scary weekend. Subscribe to our YouTube channel NOW for your chance to assault the buffet or hit up a Michigan football game. This is NOT an interview podcast. It is a “general better” podcast. Mel Tucker in one step closer to being officially BLOWN OUT by MSU. Some nut job was busted for threatening Mel Tucker. The New England Patriots blew it on Sunday Night Football. The Detroit Lions face the 2-0 Atlanta Falcons on Sunday. Reminder that the guys from The Detroiters have no idea who we are. Winning Time has been canceled by HBO. The oscillating lights at The Big House are cooler than Eli Zaret thinks. Coach Prime was interviewed on 60 Minutes again last night. The Jann Wenner fallout continues. Rolling Stone tries to distance themselves from his comments. Top white rappers of all time: GO! Writers' Strike: Bill Maher crosses back over the picket line. Drew Barrymore cries. Strike Force Five does worse than us. Joe Biden is old. Donald Trump is winning in the polls. Tom Mazawey passes the Szott Ford surprise phone call test. Tom had the worst experience at the MSU game possibly ever, but he’s okay. An LA police officer was ambushed and killed. They arrested a suspect today.