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Drew and Mike – September 24, 2023
The Hulk Golfer, Detroit Lions: Super Bowl bound, boring Usher, Donald Trump v. Howard Stern, Joe Biden's weekend of gaffes, Britney Spears v. 60 Minutes, UAW strike, whining Supermodels, Pauly Shore=Richard Simmons, and the first female non-kicker plays in an NCAA game. The Detroit Lions are Super Bowl bound again. They move to 2-1 after beating the Atlanta Falcons. Eli Zaret joins us in studio to discuss Michigan's boring win over Rutgers, shake his head over MSU losing to Maryland, more Mel Tucker rumors, Ohio State out coaching Notre Dame, Ryan Day wanting to fight 86-year-old Lou Holtz, Colorado getting Buffaloed by Oregon, rooting against DeShaun Watson, gambling on the NFL from inside the stadiums, Miami Dolphins scoring 70 points, and the first non-kicker female college football player. The Oakland A's gave Miguel Cabrera a cheap and questionable gift. Brandon is out with Covid, but at least he has his chocolate milk. Usher is going to play the Super Bowl halftime show. It was announced in the most annoying way. Taylor Swift's in the Kelce family box at the Kansas Chief game. Insert "Travis/Taylor Box" joke here. Kim Kardashian thinks she's an actor now. Jim Costa is the new morning host with Jon Jansen on 97.1. Some people are saying Jason Carr Drive is cruising on over to WOMC. Why couldn't Kast Media not pay us what they aren't paying their podcasters? New Washington Post-ABC poll has Trump crushing Biden by 10 points.