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Dust (w/ John Champion)
Season 2, Episode 11: Frontier justice is a hell of a thing + magic?Apology for (my) audio quality. My computer went stupid and I had to revert to emergency iPad recording. Do listen, as we do dive deep.John Champion has been sussing out the messages, morals, and meetings of every episode of Star Trek for almost a decade at the Mission Log podcast. Head over here to get into that:<br>https://www.missionlogpodcast.com/Please dig us on Facebook and Twitter, and support this and our dives into other media like sci-fi flicks and prime video games at our Patreon home of Podcastio Podcastius:<br>https://www.patreon.com/podcastiopodcastiusAnd Matt makes music. Hear a few sounds here:<br>https://rovingsagemedia.bandcamp.com/Coming Soon:<br>November 7 - Back There<br>November 14 - The Whole Truth<br>November 21 - The Invaders ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★