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Election 2022 recap, honoring veterans on Inside West Virginia Politics
On this week's episode of Inside West Virginia Politics, former Charleston Mayor Danny Jones stops by to recap, break down and analyze the 2022 General Election with our host and Chief Political Reporter Mark Curtis.Then, we switch gears to take a moment to honor our veterans over Veterans Day weekend. First we hear from Brent Casey, the eldest grandson of the late, great Woody Williams, who passed away in June at the age of 98. Woody was the last surviving World War II Medal of Honor recipient. Casey talks about his grandfather's legacy, honoring veterans, the Woody Williams Foundation and Gold Star Families.In our final segment, Steve Halstead, president of the Mason County Veterans Memorial Committee stops by to share the latest updates on the construction of a Mason County Veterans Memorial and its importance to the community. The Committee broke ground on the memorial on Nov. 10, which will be located in Mason, West Virginia as a county-wide monument honoring all veterans from Mason County.