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Engineer - Josh Di Grandi
This episode features 28-year-old Civil Engineer – Josh Di Grandi, who has worked in the mining and building and construction industry, having a variety of experiences he never imagined. Josh shares a lot on the reality of engineering and where the opportunities can take you. Top questions asked by students for Engineer:00:00 – Intro 01:44 – Why engineering?03:28 – How did you decide what field of engineering you wanted to pursuit?06:05 – How did you know engineering was right for you?09:58 – Did you have a backup plan?11:33 – Is studying engineering in university hard? 16:00 – How did you find a job once you graduated?20:55 – How much is applied what you have learnt in university to the real world24:12 – What is the salary range when starting out in your field? 29:17 – What keeps you motivated in your job?32:04 – Do you plan to be an engineer for the rest of your career? 35:42 – If you had a change to go back to high-school, would you do anything differently?