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Entering The Ethereal: W/ Melissa From Rootless Destinations
Join us this Sunday at 3pm Central Time (4pm EST) as we delve into the mysterious world of the afterlife with an extraordinary team of female paranormal investigators known as Rootless Destinations. In this episode, we will be welcoming the talented members of Rootless Destinations to share their captivating experiences and evidence captured from their thrilling adventures in the supernatural realm.Get ready to be spellbound as we explore the secrets of the afterlife, uncovering the truth behind ghostly encounters and paranormal phenomena. Rootless Destinations will take us on a spine-tingling journey as they reveal the eerie evidence they've collected during their relentless pursuit of the unknown.But that's not all! During the episode, we will also be discussing the upcoming Global Ghost Hunt October Event (www.GlobalGhostHunt.com ), where paranormal enthusiasts from all around the world unite to investigate haunted locations and share their findings. Discover how you can get involved and be a part of this exciting international event.So mark your calendars and join us on Sunday for a mind-bending conversation filled with stories that will leave you questioning the boundaries between the living and the dead. Tune in to 'Talking With The Source' and prepare to be amazed by Rootless Destinations' fascinating insights into the realm beyond!"Don't forget to double-check the date and time mentioned in the description to ensure accuracy!Make sure to check out Rootless Destinations on all social media platforms, and YouTube Now!Check out the full live episode on our Live tab on YouTube! Or head over to follow us on Tik Tok to catch clips of every episode!!Don’t forget to check out our official website for all links , Paranormal Evidence and much more @ https://linktr.ee/talkingwiththesource