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Ep. 002: Robot Wars - The Robotic Fighting Echelon
Tom & Colin discuss the forthcoming demo of the new Improbable platform that is scheduled for an early demonstration this week. Also some comments about the international breadth of listeners and guests scheduled for later episodes - please keep the suggestions coming.Our guest on this show is Steen Bisgaard who heads up an Australian startup developing robotic targets for training, as well as decoys and robots for use in offensive actions in the real battlefield. Steen discusses the latest developments in this field and where he thinks robots will be used in the future, either as part of the training workup or as part of a hybrid fighting force. This area is one to watch and we will no doubt come back to this subject in the future.As ever, we are joined by Andy Fawkes who provides a digest of the recent modelling & simulation news, with some discussion around the more interesting topics.Hosts:Tom Constable: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-constable/Colin Hillier: https://www.linkedin.com/in/colinhillier/<br/>Guest:
Steen Bisgaard: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steen-bisgaard-3597b110b/ <br/>Episode Sponsor:
Improbable Defence: https://defence.improbable.io/
Improbable Defence is a mission focused technology company working to transform the national security of our nations and their allies in the face of increasing global competition and evolving threats.Today, national security is defined by technological superiority. We believe that software more than any other capability will redefine how war is fought and who will be on the winning side. Those entrusted with the preservation of our freedom, prosperity and safety deserve the best software-defined capabilities available.Since the end of the Cold War, the UK, US and their allies have been unchallenged in military technological dominance. Today, we are facing a different reality: our adversaries are seizing the technological edge.Improbable Defence chooses to stand up and not stand by. We are building cutting-edge software products to help our nations retake the technological advantage. We believe in defending our democratic values against those who seek to undermine them. Supporting those tasked with this mission is at the heart of all we do. We seek to radically transform the mission outcomes of those whose responsibility it is to keep us safe.
Website: https://www.warfighterpodcast.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/compa....ny/warfighter-digita https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCkgiH-cwmyc2I2Iyc https://twitter.com/WarfighterPod<br/>MS&T News Links:Andy Fawkes: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andyfawkes/eVTOL: https://www.halldale.com/artic....les/20414-mst-buildi