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Ep 17: Calling my Pug ugly is as offensive as calling me Fat
In this weeks episode I am talking to you about Pug shaming and how I deal with people who think they have the right to voice their opinion about your Pug including how to deal with family members.In this episode I talk about:00:43 - What drove me to talk about this topic03:39 - What is it about pugs that triggers the need in a non-pug owner to give unsolicited advice 06:07 - Responding to people who call my pugs ugly If you liked the episode, or if you think it'll be useful for someone else, please leave a review over at podcasher.comIf you've got any questions or want to tell us how much you loved the Episode then let me know over at our Facebook Group "Livin' the Pug Life" (https://www.facebook.com/groups/livinthepuglife/) where Crazy Pug Ladies meet to talk all things pug.AND, If you ❤️ all things Pug? then become a Pawty Pug by subscribing to our newsletter at http://bit.ly/jointhegrumbleBeing a PAWTY PUG gets you advanced notice of our next PODCAST episode, access to one-time offers, advanced notice of new collections and sales, as well as shopping and dressing guides to name a few treats reserved exclusively for our friends.NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE:In next week's episode our guests are Clare, and her Puggies Teddy and Doug,This is an Episode with a difference because you're going to be serenaded by a singing Puggie! That's right, its a first for the Show and I can't wait for you to hear the repertoire.Plus, Clare shares with us what she thinks Doug and Teddy smell like and what naughty little things they both get up too - I think you'll enjoy/ empathise with the stories.