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Ep 37 - It's OKAY TO SAY NO
No, it can be one word, one sentence. How do you feel about owning your NO when you don't want to do something? Do you feel empowered? Nervous, not sure how to make a decision.<br/><br/>Ali & Deb discuss their struggles with Saying NO and how it has been a huge form of empowerment. <br/>It's either a heck YES or NO Way!<br/><br/>What are your thoughts? What is your relationship with saying No? We would love to hear, drop a note in the comments!Have questions or requests on what to hear next. Shoot us an email!<br/>connectedconversationspodcast@gmail.com<br/><br/>You can also see us live on Monday mornings 8:00 am ET to kick start your week!<br/>https://www.youtube.com/@connectedconversations<br/><br/>