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Ep. 40 - Humble Magic - Appreciating Small Random Acts of Kindness
Have you ever experienced a smile from a stranger? The courtesy from a person waiting that extra few moments so they can hold the door for you to come into a restaurant.<br/><br/>Today, Ali & Deb talk about the SMALL acts of kindness that can go a long way.<br/><br/>How can you make a difference in someone's life today? How can you appreciate the humble magic around you by acknowledging someone around you?<br/><br/>Have a beautiful day - <br/>Ali & Deb Have questions or requests on what to hear next. Shoot us an email!<br/>connectedconversationspodcast@gmail.com<br/><br/>You can also see us live on Monday mornings 8:00 am ET to kick start your week!<br/>https://www.youtube.com/@connectedconversations<br/><br/>