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Ep. 48 A Seasoned Social Worker's Guide to Self Care ft. Basiliso Moreno, LMSW
On this episode of The Social Work Bubble Podcast, we are joined by Basiliso Moreno, LMSW to dive into his own journey of resilience throughout his life, including his social work journey, and how this led him to develop integral self care strategies!<br/><br/>Basiliso (Bas) Moreno is a Licensed Masters Level Social Worker and a Certified School Social Worker in the state of Delaware. In October 2020, Basiliso started his online business Bas City Entertainment LLC. Bas City Entertainment LLC focuses on providing basic financial education for people of color.<br/>Basiliso graduated with his Mastes in Social Work from Fordham University in 2010.<br/>He is the author of Triumph Through Pain, How to Maximize Your Full Potential During Hard Times, released in July 2022, using poetry to discuss themes such as grief, loss, anxiety, self-awareness and financial literacy.<br/>Basiliso is the contributing author to Amazon best seller, Latinx in Social Work Volume 2. In his chapter, When Addiction Hits Home, Basiliso discusses the impact of addiction in his household.<br/>Basiliso is also the host of The Social Work Rants Podcast which can be currently listened to on all audio platforms and be seen on YouTube. The podcast has been listened to in over 60 countries. It was rated in the Top 10 for all social work podcasts according to Feedspot.To continue to follow Bas's journey, you can follow her below:Instagram @thesocialworkrantspodcast and @BascityentertainmentllcTik Tok @BascityentertainmentllcFacebook BasCity Entertainment LLCWebsite: Basmoreno.comTriumph Through Pain Poetry BookLatinx in Social Work Volume 2The Social Work Rants PodcastIf you enjoyed today's episode, please 'like' and follow the podcast wherever you're listening! Don't forget to share The Social Work Bubble Podcast with your social worker friends!<br/><br/>For More Things Social Work & Therapy:<br/>· Etsy Shop<br/>· Blog<br/>· Instagram<br/>· Facebook<br/>· Twitter<br/>· YouTube<br/>· Pinterest<br/>· PodcastSupport the show