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EP 607: Prostate Cancer, From the Manageable to the Metastatic: Dr. Sheinbein on Modern Radiation Therapy
In this episode, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee are joined by special guest Dr. Courtney Sheinbein from Texas Oncology. Dr. Sheinbein is a radiation oncologist who uses modern and cutting-edge radiation therapies to treat a range of cancers in the body. Although many people remember radiation treatment as the blunt tool it was in the past, recent innovations in oncology care have made radiation one of the most effective and precise tools available, reducing recurrence and increasing life span and quality of life for countless patients. Today, Dr. Sheinbein talks about the latest in cancer imaging and treatment, including proton treatment, SBRT, CyberKnife, and more! To schedule an appointment, visit Texas Oncology today online or call 512-687-2300. <br/><br/>Voted top Men's Health Podcast, Sex Therapy Podcast, and Prostate Cancer Podcast by FeedSpotDr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.We enjoy hearing from you! Email us at armormenshealth@gmail.com and we’ll answer your question in an upcoming episode.Phone: (512) 238-0762Email: Armormenshealth@gmail.comWebsite: Armormenshealth.comOur Locations:Round Rock Office<br/>970 Hester’s Crossing Road<br/> Suite 101<br/> Round Rock, TX 78681South Austin Office<br/>6501 South Congress<br/> Suite 1-103<br/> Austin, TX 78745Lakeline Office<br/>12505 Hymeadow Drive<br/> Suite 2C<br/> Austin, TX 78750Dripping Springs Office<br/>170 Benney Lane<br/> Suite 202<br/> Dripping Springs, TX 78620